The Mask
Originally published January 14, 2015
Throughout his life and in the eye of his men
he stood on a raised platform
But inside, this man struggled
His struggles took him to search
for a reason
A reason unknown,
he questioned a higher power
With no answer in sight
the man continued to struggle
A hidden force took control and
held him back
A faceless wonder
defeated him with every victory
But this man has bled
Bled through lifes battles
he carries his scars
With an eye fixed on the horizon of hope
his battle continues
Finding a source of energy
and a glimmer of hope
His quest for victory
became his search
for the higher power
This lead him to look up
To request an end to the defeats
and a simple victory
Even more blood spilled
but he remained victorious
He started to believe it was not up
he should look but in
His belief in himself
made him stronger and
he broke through his defeats
The final battle
he has finally won
He defeated the ego
and stood tall a man.