• Europe,  Travel

    KYIV – Places to See

    11/26/2019 This Kiev list is only based on where I went.  I did see a lot of places in Kiev and no Chernobyl wasn’t one of them.  Without further ado. Disclaimer: I will use Kiev and Kyiv interchangeably throughout this post 🙂 Going to Kyiv?  Read this first. St Andrew’s Church and Andriyivsky Uzviz I will say this is my favorite church or cathedral in Kiev.  I did not go inside as it was closed for renovations but just from the outside, this one is just simply beautiful as it is impressive.  Just take a look.  You can’t mention St. Andrews Church without mentioning Andriyivsky Descent.  This cobbled line street snakes…

  • KYIV
    Europe,  Travel


    11/26/2019 I’ve never met anyone that’s gone to Kiev (Kyiv), and the only thing I know about Ukraine is whatever I’ve read on the travel forums and that Russia wants it back.  I heard this place is cold (in terms of people), dangerous, sketchy, you have to watch out for yourself, etc…  Here’s how the conversation typically went. Them:  Where you off to?Me:  Kyiv (Kiev)Them:  Where’s that?Me:  UkraineThem:  Wow, wait [pause], isn’t that dangerous?Me: I guess we’ll find out soon 🙂Them:  You’re crazy.  Aren’t the women supposed to be hot?Me: We’ll find out soon 🙂 And for those that want to know the answer to the last question and stop…