
  • Wanderlust
    Philosophy,  Travel


    5/23/2016 So with my travels and tours it amazes me to see people traveling alone all over the world. However, my friends are the first quickly tell me ‘yea, like you don’t do that’. I just never realized, think that I do but it’s true. I’m not sure if it’s the call of the unknown, being constantly in motion, the experience of something new and discovering something… not here. It beacons me and us to take the first step. You know the quote, “Not Until We Are Lost Do We Begin to Find Ourselves.” What is it about finding ourselves that makes us want to explore or travel? What happens…

  • Philosophy

    From the Archives: A 45 Minute Journey into Sound

    Originally written (not posted) 2/7/2009 6:39 AMThe day breaks the dark winter sky with shades of pink and orange. The street lamps in the parking lot cast a subtle glow over the frosty car below. The train… already 3 minutes late.The platform … covered with salt.The air … crisp, mid teens with a wind coming in from the northMe … cold I get on the train and sit next to another passenger who’s made himself quite comfortable in the leather two-seater. Part of his thigh is on my square. Making no attempt to give me any room he continues to read his morning paper. I take out my pass and…

  • Philosophy,  Travel


    Originally published December 27, 2015 Its paradise. I found it, I found what my eyes see as paradise.  Whether it’s a state of mind, a place or how I’m feeling at any given moment in time, makes no difference.  Alone with my thoughts on a 12 day journey through parts of Europe left me with a sense of awe and wonder.  I was amazed at the greenery when cutting across Austria on a train from Munich to Slovenia and eventually Croatia.  What do people do in the valleys, how about in the hills that are so spread apart.  How bad is winter and do they get a lot of snow in the…

  • Blog,  Philosophy

    The Mask

    Originally published January 14, 2015 Throughout his life and in the eye of his menhe stood on a raised platform But inside, this man struggled His struggles took him to searchfor a reason A reason unknown,he questioned a higher power With no answer in sightthe man continued to struggle A hidden force took control andheld him back A faceless wonderdefeated him with every victory But this man has bled Bled through lifes battleshe carries his scars With an eye fixed on the horizon of hopehis battle continues Finding a source of energyand a glimmer of hope His quest for victorybecame his searchfor the higher power This lead him to look up…

  • buffalo creek
    Blog,  Career,  Philosophy

    The grass is always green

    Originally published Jan 14, 2015 There are different shades of green but green nonetheless. “Why’d you go back to your old job” is the question I get asked most often, “I guess the grass wasn’t greener on the other side, huh?” said with a grin. I find this question or reasoning quite false. Grass is always a shade of green when you leave. What shade depends on your interpretation. Why is it green? Because you’re optimistic about the new opportunity, new company, new challenges, role, people, etc… It’s a new beginning to a chapter that’s ended. It’s a bright, healthy, energetic green. So what color should it be should you…